A Talk | McMansion Hell’s Kate Wagner

Presented by NC Modernist Houses, AIA NC, and AIA Triangle If you love to hate the massive houses that popped up everywhere from the 1980s through the recession of 2008,…

Speaker Lunch | Steve Pharr

“Liability is All Around You” presented by: Steve Pharr of Pharr Law   We will discuss how owners and consultants can increase your risk as an architect as well as what…

Lunch & Learn | Guardian Glass

Over-size Glass: Performance and Specifications Presented by: Guardian Glass Credit: 1 HSW / 1 LU The presentation explores what makes over-sized insulating glass units (IGUs) special and covers the technology that…

AIAWS Film Series | Kevin Roche: The Quiet Architect

Kevin Roche: The Quiet Architect is a feature documentary film that considers many of the key architectural questions through the 70 year career of Pritzker Prize winning Irish-American architect Kevin…