On behalf of North Carolina’s Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NCNOMA) and American Institute of Architects North Carolina (AIANC), it is our pleasure to invite you to showcase your work through SAY IT LOUD – NC virtual exhibition in spring of 2021.
AOL: Sustainable Design Through Daylighting
Topics discussed include daylighting strategies available through the integration of structural sandwich panels, energy conservation, enhancements, options, form and aesthetics. The many benefits to health, productivity, safety and sustainable design will be discussed, as well as specialty applications including explosion venting, blast resistance, OSHA fall through protection and hurricane resistance
Business Planning & Management Basics for Small Firm Architects
Leading a design firm offers a variety of unique challenges and opportunities. An unpredictable business environment and quickening pace of change requires firm owners to adapt, but how can firm owners proactively prepare for growth in uncertain times? We will explore strategies for business planning and effective management within an environment of unpredictability, including case studies illustrating best practices.
AIAWS | February Lunch & Learn
Provides a comparison of the functional and physical features of PMR systems to conventional low-slope roofing applications and includes a discussion about the ASCE 7 standard and its impact on wind uplift design and how weather events such as hail impact roof design.
H.O.P.E. of Winston-Salem Charrette
ARE (Virtual) Roundtable
AIAWS | November Section Lunch
Join us to hear Lauren review how the students used the design process to engage with local organizations in proposing solutions to systemic challenges facing our world, while making a positive impact on Winston-Salem’s community.
AIAWS | ACTIVATE Charrette with H.O.P.E.
AIA Winston-Salem’s ACTIVATE project planned for October 21st, 2020, will engage our design community in a charrette to explore opportunities within H.O.P.E.’s current facilities for a kitchen classroom. We are actively seeking those in the community with a passion for design to join us for this event! Email president@aiawinstonsalem.org to register.
AIAWS | October Section Lunch: Help Our People Eat (H.O.P.E.)
Scott Best, MBA is the Executive Director at H.O.P.E. of Winston-Salem a non-profit organization with the mission to use community-wide volunteer support to prepare and deliver nutritious meals to thousands of children in Forsyth County who are at risk for hunger via a food truck. Winston-Salem is one of the top cities in the entire United States for hunger in families with children. North Carolina and Louisiana are now the top states for hunger in children ages 0-4. One of every four children in North Carolina has insufficient food to meet nutritional needs! Come learn how H.O.P.E. is using their food truck to address this social is
AIA WS | September *VIRTUAL* Section Lunch
Scott Best from H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Eat) of Winston-Salem will discuss H.O.P.E.’s mission to use community-wide volunteer support to prepare and bring nutritious meals to thousands of children in Forsyth County who are at risk for hunger.