
AIAWS | December Lunch and Learn

This course provides an overview of swinging doors, frames, and architectural door hardware. It will cover standard industry nomenclature for hollow metal frames and doors and wood doors. Includes information on mechanical and electronic hardware specification and applications.

NC Architects

ARE (Virtual) Roundtable

On November 10, 2020, AIA Winston-Salem hosted a discussion between two of our recently licensed board members, Veronica Grant and Micah Martin, and some of our section’s Emerging Professionals. We…

AIAWS | November Section Lunch

Join us to hear Lauren review how the students used the design process to engage with local organizations in proposing solutions to systemic challenges facing our world, while making a positive impact on Winston-Salem’s community. 

AIA WS | September *VIRTUAL* Section Lunch

Scott Best from H.O.P.E. (Help Our People Eat) of Winston-Salem will discuss H.O.P.E.’s mission to use community-wide volunteer support to prepare and bring nutritious meals to thousands of children in Forsyth County who are at risk for hunger.

North Carolina Architects

What Architects Need to Know: AIA Master Agreements and Task Orders

Does your design firm perform repeat or similar work for the same client or from a consultant? Would you like to manage risk and streamline the contract process for these projects? Geared towards architects, this webinar will provide an overview of the AIA Master Agreements and Task Orders and explain how they can be used to provide a wide array of select services over the course of several projects.

aia winston salem

How to Choose the Right AIA Document for your Project

Join this free webinar as AIA Contract Documents Committee members, who are experienced design firm practitioners, review the various families of documents and examine how to select the appropriate Owner/Architect agreements to fit your project size and complexity. Presenters discuss their own projects as case studies during a panel discussion that includes the process of selecting, negotiating and drafting AIA contracts.

aia winston salem

The Skill You Need: Career Resilience

COVID-19 has spurred one of the most intense economic downturns of our time. The pandemic has shifted the profession to a virtual workforce overnight and 2020 graduates are entering the profession with a lot of unknowns. Starting your career in the midst of a recession can be intimidating, but architects learned a few lessons in 2009. Join architects who entered the workforce during the Great Recession of 2008 as they speak to their own experiences, share some practical steps to move towards economic stability, and offer guidance on how to maintain mental well-being and build a resilient career.

Leadership by Design – High School Summer Camps

Leadership by Design Camp – Registration now open! Winston-Salem area high school students: Are you interested in design?  Do you enjoy serving your community?  Looking to gain new skills and explore…