Join us at the October Section Meeting for a presentation with Graydon Pleasants and Jason Kaplan discussing Innovation Quarter on the Master Plan for iQ2.
AIAWS | June Section Lunch
Aaron King, Director of Planning and Development Services for Winston-Salem and Forsyth County will give us a presentation on the State of the City, where he’ll update our members about new developments, active projects, and other important issues around the city and county.
Aspire Online Learning
Demonstrates how energy-efficiency goals—when addressed beginning in schematic design—can be successfully achieved, saving valuable resources such as design-time and client budgets
AIAWS | March Section Lunch
Appalachian State University Assistant Dean of the College of Fine and Applied Arts
AOL: Healthcare and Acoustics
This session explores how health care codes, regulations, and design guidelines impact the acoustical comfort of patients, their families, and building occupants. Participants will learn how acoustics has a positive impact on the design of healthcare facilities including hospitals and trauma centers, laboratories, and assistive living facilities.
Aspire Online Learning
The presentation reviews the foundations of glass selection and explores options for meeting both aesthetic and performance goals. Covering the glass manufacturing process and the basics of performance measurement, it also provides a comprehensive overview of float and coated glass choices—and related fabrication decisions—that can affect the final appearance of the glass façade.
Aspire Online Learning
Master class on the latest specialty tax benefits and strategies in recent CARES Act of 2020-2021, Coronavirus Relief and Tax Extenders Bill that just renewed some important original Energy Policy Act incentives for the design of energy-efficient buildings and renewable energy.
AIAWS | February Lunch & Learn
Provides a comparison of the functional and physical features of PMR systems to conventional low-slope roofing applications and includes a discussion about the ASCE 7 standard and its impact on wind uplift design and how weather events such as hail impact roof design.