lunch and learn

Acoustics in Architecture – A Master Class

Participants will describe impact of background noise on speech and privacy
Participants will discuss acoustical importance of absorptive materials
Participants will describe impact of wall and ceiling construction on acoustics
Participants will list requirements for environmental noise, background noise, speech privacy and sound isolation

Masonry iQ

Southeast Concrete Masonry Association (SCMA) has created a Concrete Masonry Academy designed to provide monthly education webinars on a variety of topics for all industry professionals at no cost.

The SCMA will continue to focus on the design and construction of Concrete Masonry buildings. The instructors will include member experts along with other industry presenters. Each webinar will offer either AIA-CES Learning Units and Professional Development Hours.

AIAWS | Lunch & Learn | CaraGreen

  Biophilic Design ** Earn 1 HSW/LEED ** Learn about the latest trend in interior design: Biophilic Design, which is the incorporation of natural elements using design techniques to improve…

AIAWS | Lunch & Learn | Maxson and Associates

Opening Doors to Design Opportunities with the Model Building Codes ** Earn 1 HSW ** Details TBD RSVP to to attend. If you are not a member, cost of…

AIAWS | Lunch & Learn | Oldcastle APG

Modeling Masonry with BIM **Earn 1 HSW/LU** BIM is expanding quickly within the construction industry worldwide. However, the masonry industry has not historically been well represented. Therefore, there is a…

Lunch & Learn | PPG Paints

The Technology of Paints and Coatings 1 AIA/CES HSW CEU   Ever wonder what makes up a good bucket of paint? This program covers the ingredients in paint and goes…

Lunch & Learn | Guardian Glass

Over-size Glass: Performance and Specifications Presented by: Guardian Glass Credit: 1 HSW / 1 LU The presentation explores what makes over-sized insulating glass units (IGUs) special and covers the technology that…